FOR YOUR REFERENCE: print out the following instructions
Instructions for Participating in the National Network of Embroidery Professionals (NNEP) On Line Rooms:
- Go to http://www.thepalace.com/products/freeclient.html)
- Scroll down and select the software version that best suits your computer and click on the underlined version to begin installation -- For Windows operating systems, we recommend the 3.4 version.
- Click on Save (this saves the software version to your desk top . . . it can be moved later.) This process can take from 15-40 minutes, depending on your system
- Close the Palace window
- Go to your desktop - double click on the Palace Set up icon. Hit Continue, Hit I Agree, Hit OK to install the software on your system. The Palace window will open up.
- Hit Stay a Guest.
- Type in a name and hit OK - this opens the program and assigns you a visual character
- Open your Internet navigator (Netscape, Explorer....)
- Go to web site http://www.EmbroideryUniversity.com then click on the EmbroideryNetwork building.
- Click on the doors. If the Palace software window opens, click on File, Connect to a Palace, and type in event.ud.net and hit ok. (Some software will take you to the hall automatically, some will not.)
- Double click on Door 1 to enter the Power Lunch chat session.
- If you want to read text as well as see the "balloons," click on Log icon in the toolbar to see a text version of the dialog.
- Put in your two cents worth by typing in the dialog box at the bottom of the screen and hit return to send your comments. The dialog box will appear below Seminar Room 1 if you click there.