This is where a company or individual rents an entire building at Embroidery
University. Each building will come with one - 2 hour moderated discussion session per
month as part of the package. Topics offered, course content, methods of instruction, and
all other specifics within this Special Instruction Building, is the sole responsibility
of the individual building's tenant. The renting organization's name will be placed on (or
adjacent to) the building on the main campus web page of EmbroideryUniversity. Though
encouraged, individuals attending activities in these buildings do not have to be students
of EmbroideryUniversity.
EmbroideryUniversity will assist in enrolling students, supporting events, or courses
development for the Special Instruction buildings. EmbroideryUniversity's support will be
provided on a flat annual rental fee basis for each Special Instruction building . All
course and event fees are at the sole renters discretion. After receipt of rental payment,
all proceeds are that of the building tenant.
If you are interested in your company having online training and education done through Embroidery University,
please contact: Admininstration.